Pennywise - Chuckywise Bust by LoreCraft
Nicholas was inspired to create this rendition of Pennywise after seeing Stephen King's "IT" Chapter 1. Soon after uploading the timelapse of his creation on his Youtube Channel "LoreCraft", it went viral, recieving tens of millions of combined views on Youtube and Facebook. Pictured is the original bust - where you can see it created in timelapse here.
After receiving over 100 requests to purchase him, the original was kept until Nicholas felt confident enough to attempt make a mould and duplicate him without destroying the original sculpture.
Taking a direct mould, casting in highest film quality grade platinium silicone - the new copies are better than the original. They feature punched hair, rather than glued, as well as the benefits of a softer, flesh like consistency which makes platinum silicone the industry standard in film and the medical profession for replicating human tissue. Additional options for this piece include light up eyes (no warranty), push button audio (creepy giggle), and UV reactive paint (white glow flesh under UV lighting). All options available at additional cost.This version of Pennywise is unlike the film duplicates offered by larger companies (LoreCraft is a 1 man operation). This Pennywise has been affectionately named "Chuckywise" by many viewers of the video, recognizing some facial similarities (Hair, eyes). His pupils are larger, and his hair has a Chucky-esque appearance. The Hair, also on request, can be attached to look more "Chucky" like, or more "Pennywise" like - just mention your preference.
This is a very limited run - Nicholas works alone, so he'll only be able to make so many before his mind fractures from the stress of making these. So.... Pre-Order starts now! First orders are planned to be shipped mid September - and it's first come first serve, so reserve your spot today!